Monday, November 10, 2008

How To Survive the Graveyard Shifts?

Here are some tips on how to survive the graveyard shift.

Be Prepared

The best method of getting ready for working the 'graveyard shift' is all in your preparation. This is mostly an individual thing, but the following ideas could help:

  • Get 'Forty Winks' - During the day before you start your first night shift, try laying down for a little while in the afternoon. If you sleep, great! You'll be even more refreshed for the long haul ahead. Power naps during the day, and even during your night shift, will help you climb over the early morning 'wall'.

  • Have a Shower or Bath - A bath or shower is helpful in making you feel refreshed, but it can also play tricks on the mind. Have a nap just before dinner, then follow your usual waking routine. Whether you have breakfast then a shower, or have a shower then breakfast - do the same. A good meal is the best start to any day, even if it is the night4. Breakfast can of course be your evening meal, as it helps fool the body that you've just arisen - ready for the day.

  • Relaxation Techniques - Being relaxed during the day will help you get through the wee small hours. A massage is great, or simply listening to some quiet music. Take some time out from your routine. Bundle the significant other/flatmates/kids/pets over to the neighbour's/pub/grandma's,forget about the ironing/washing/chores, turn on some muzak and just let your mind go. It's helpful in keeping you alert when the Sandman comes beckoning at 3am.

Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming

Once at work and into your night shift, the most difficult part of it all is staying awake. Avoid yawning at all costs if possible. Along with anyone else who even remotely looks like they might be about to yawn. Yawning is something that seems to spread like wildfire and bring about sleepy feelings. Yawned yet? You will. Anyway, the following are just some of the more common methods of avoiding slipping into a state of deep sleep:

  • Artificial Stimulants - Ahhhh. Coffee. There are many other forms of stimulant available to keep your motor running. Anything with loads of sugar in it, such as cola, chocolate or jelly babies can also help give you that extra 'pep'. If you don't have a sweet tooth, a 'bacon buttie'5 will fill an empty stomach. If you don't enjoy pork products, try some fruit salad.

  • Drugs - Well, yes, perhaps caffeine is actually a drug, but try telling a coffee drinker that and they'll give you a withering look. There are other things to use such as 'Pro-Plus'6, guarana7 or even illegal narcotics such as amphetamines or cocaine... but whatever you call it, just don't. It's not worth it. Some people have found nicotine helpful but if you don't smoke, please avoid taking up cigarettes in order to help you get through a night shift. While not exactly 'drugs' per se, a selection of good vitamin tablets such as Vitamin C or D are also helpful in replenishing the body, especially if you haven't been eating well. Of course, it goes without saying to be careful when trying this route for the very first time. Don't go laying into the 'hard' stuff straight off.

  • Noise - Music or talking loudly can help in keeping you awake. Have colleagues sneak up on you every now and then to scream BOO!! in your ear8: a sure-fire way of keeping you awake and on your toes. If you go down the music route ensure it's loud, irritating and something you'll end up singing along to. Britney Spears or the Spice Girls are perfect examples. However, as you near the end of your shift you may prefer winding down to something a little more relaxing, such as Portishead.

  • The Elements - Often the smoker's excuse - 'I need some fresh air', but it actually does help. Cool night air that is, not smoking. Stepping out into the cool can help you feel more awake and able to carry on through the rest of the shift. Splashing cold water onto your face can also assist in keeping you alert. Be wary that you don't splash too much though, or you're liable to look like you've had a shower with your clothes on.

  • Fear - It's night. It's probably dark. All kinds of terrifying 'things' come out at night don't they? If working with a few other people why not swap ghost stories? Or if by yourself, read a good horror story. Stephen King can oblige. Every little sound you hear will be amplified and you're sure to stay awake - especially if you think the bogeyman is going to get you!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Vote Goes to BARACK OBAMA

If given a chance to vote in the United States Presidential Election, I'll go with Senator Barack Obama. This will be the best time for America to embrace change.
"I am asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington.. I am asking you to belive in yours." says Obama.

Below are the following reasons that I gathered from different sites explaining why to choose Obama over McCain. This reasons also reflects my perspective towards Obama as President of the United States of America.

1. On the day Barack Obama is inaugurated, America will think differently of itself, and this is no small thing. Imagine the symbolism of it. Do not short shrift symbols, for they are very powerful. To be able to point to a President Barack Obama and tell a child of any color anywhere in America that they, too, through education and hard work, could someday be anything they want to be...that’s a powerful thing, especially in our melting-pot nation.

2. Senator Obama inspires people of all ages to action.

3. Senator Obama understands that you win elections not by pandering to your base, but by drawing support from independents and from the opposite side, by articulating what unifies people rather than exploiting what divides them. Change comes not just from knowing how to work the levers of power – it takes more than that. It takes creating the popular movements necessary to support and sustain change. No other candidate spurs that kind of enthusiasm.

4. Obama energizes youth for service and involvement to a degree also unseen in decades. This is a crucial point for Democrats to understand: it is well known that if a Party attracts new voters for their first election, those voters tend to stick with that Party for most of their lives.

5. Obama is a Harvard-educated constitutional law scholar, and civil libertarian. In his campaign speeches, he has frequently referred to his desire to close Guantanamo, stop torture, restore habeas corpus rights to detainees, bring back our lost civil liberties, and return to a presidency that sticks to its vow to follow the U.S. Constitution.

6. Look to the future
Senator Obama offers the most comprehensive energy plan of any Presidential nominee in history, it will end our dependence on foreign oil and create as many as 5,000,000 jobs. Senator McCain’s plan continues the Bush Administration’s policy of appeasement to Big Oil, does nothing to reduce our dependence on oil, and isn’t as good as Paris Hilton’s.

7. You pollute, you pay
Obama and Biden support plan to make polluters pay for pollution credits and to clean up toxic waste. McCain wants us to foot the bill for clean-up and to give polluters billions in tax breaks and subsidies.

8. Keeping us healthy
Obama and Biden have fought to keep our air and water clean. McCain has voted against clean water ten times and voted six times to make it harder for states and the EPA to keep our air clean.

9. Listening to the scientists
The Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that America must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050 in order to avoid the worst effects of global warming. Obama’s plan will reach that goal. McCain’s plan falls far short.
